Cloud Security - Protecting Your Critical Cloud Data

Have you ever wondered how your cloud service provider safely stores your sensitive information in the cloud? That’s where cloud security comes in!

Post date: 19/05/2023 – by author

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Cloud security is policies, technologies, and controls that protect its cloud system, data, and infrastructure from unauthorized access or threats.  

Why is cloud security so crucial, you ask?

  • Protection of sensitive data
    Our sensitive information, such as customer, financial, or product data, is safely protected from theft or threats through cloud security.
  • Compliance with regulations
    Businesses must comply with specific regulations like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or GDPR when dealing with data storage or transmission; cloud security help to that ensure that these requirements are met.
  • Business continuity
    In a disaster or a disruptive situation, cloud security helps reassure businesses can continue their operations through critical business applications and data availability.
  • Your reputation management
    A security breach can significantly harm your company’s reputation, cloud security helps to prevent it.
Look at how users' data in Google Cloud is strictly protected.

6 Simple Actions Users Can Take To Strengthen Cloud Security

1. Secure with strong passwords and multi-factor authentication

Did you know using a strong and unique password is the simplest yet most effective way to protect your cloud account? Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) could level up the protection. Even if someone gets your password, they won’t be to access your account without the code sent to your phone.

2. Encrypt sensitive data

Before uploading to the cloud, you should encrypt your confidential data; otherwise, consider using a cloud service with an encryption service. This way, your data will be unreadable, and thieves will need a key to decrypt it. Without the key in their hands, your data is still safe.

3. Be mindful of sharing and permissions

Carefully select the persons you will share your cloud data and files. You must also limit permission to those people to the minimum required to prevent data leaks or misuse from these users who are not data owners.

4. Backup important data

One day, you may lose important data from an unprecedented cloud outage, data loss, or ransomware attack. To prevent permanent loss, you should regularly back up your important data in a hard drive or another location.

5. Frequently review logs and alerts

You can monitor and detect any unauthorized access or suspicious activity to your cloud data by regularly checking your logs and alerts. Doing so lets you control better data and keep your cloud account more secure.

6. Update software and devices

Regularly updating your software and devices helps fix any security vulnerabilities or bugs that hackers could exploit. You can use antivirus and firewall to add an extra layer of projection.

Girl secure sensitive data using locker


While you can trust the cloud service providers will apply the highest security policy to secure your data in the cloud, you, as a data owner, can strengthen the security by taking simple recommended actions. As a result, you can minimize the risk of data hacking, breaches, and other security threats.

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